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Ninja School Mum Page 17
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‘It’s going to be fun,’ he grinned back, pinching her bottom before calling for Emmie that it was time to go home.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Zack put one foot inside his office and was about to do a rapid retreat, when Marlo caught sight of him from her seat… his seat, Zack fumed silently.
‘Oh hi, Zack.’ Marlo waved him to come and sit opposite her, not seeing the irony of what she was doing. When he didn’t take a seat straight away, she stared him down until he gave in and swung himself into the chair opposite her. He didn’t want to do as he was told, but grumpily admitted that it was almost as comfortable as his own chair; the one Marlo was happily sitting in.
‘I have got the contracts here for you to look at for the marquee hire. I’ve also signed up the caterers and that DJ and the sexy singer you liked.’ She gave him a meaningful look but, with all of the preparations for the ball and the way Skye had taken him at his word and begun to set the foundations for their new business venture, Zack hadn’t had time to catch his breath. He had completely forgotten his passing comment about how hot the singer was when they had originally watched some footage of events to decide on the entertainment for the ball. The singer was a contact of Marlo’s and he got the feeling she was in matchmaking mode.
‘Great,’ was all he could think of to say. He wanted to get to his computer and look at the finances before Skye arrived and started organising her ground team, as they were setting the foundations for the new assault course today. It had only been four weeks since they had talked it over. She had turned up the very next morning, after the school run, and he had wanted to drag her upstairs to his bedroom, but she had been all business, as if nothing had ever happened between them. Women confused the hell out of him. He’d been trying to get her alone for the last few weeks, and had only managed to shut them into the refreshment building once for a heated embrace before they heard someone approach and she’d run away again. Ever since then she’d made sure others were around them. He was so frustrated.
Marlo raised her eyes to heaven in apparent exasperation. He knew she had put hours and hours of work into this. The least Zack could do was pretend to be interested. He spotted Skye jogging past as she directed some guys to the new climbing area.
‘Skye!’ Marlo shouted after her and she stopped and looked around to see who’d called her. Zack winced and rubbed his sore ears.
Skye clearly realised Marlo was in Zack’s office and was calling out her name again, as that woman had some lungs and you could probably hear her from the village. Skye changed direction and bounded into the office. Zack grinned at the sight of her endless energy. He would take any opportunity to see her, even if it meant Marlo was there. Skye looked from one to the other in evident confusion as to why Marlo was sitting in Zack’s chair and Zack shrugged good-naturedly, while jumping up to offer her his chair. He cringed as Marlo noted this with interest, and winked his way as she waited for Skye to get comfortable. The girl was such a fidget; she didn’t stop moving.
‘Zack and I need your help, Skye,’ she said, undeniably thinking that two women might have a better chance of convincing Zack that he did want to spend another couple of thousand pounds on the ball, when he didn’t.
‘Oh? What can I do to help you?’ Skye turned and smiled sweetly at Zack, who grinned back wolfishly. Skye had told Zack that she had spoken to Marlo a few times in the last week and she seemed like a complete whizz at events management. She’d said Zack was lucky to have found someone like her, and she was planning to talk to him later in the week about putting her on the marketing payroll. Zack thought that sounded like a terrible idea. Marlo was so bossy!
‘I was just about to explain to Zack that we really need the ball to look, and feel, luxurious. I’ve booked some of the things we need, but I was thinking a cocktail bar with bartenders who twirl. I know it’s an added expense, but it will be a talking point.’
‘What’s wrong with a few beers and bottles of wine on a table?’ asked Zack in exasperation, trying hard not to look down Skye’s top from his vantage point behind her.
Skye and Marlo exchanged conspiratorial glances. ‘Skye?’ asked Marlo. ‘What do you think? Will a few beers on a table send the right message to your customers?’
‘Hang on a minute!’ said Zack, snapping his attention back to the impromptu meeting. ‘The ball is to launch my new app and introduce the tree climbing business to the local community. What’s it got to do with Skye?’ he said, looking at her apologetically.
Marlo smiled as if he was a bit thick but she was indulging him anyway. ‘I thought you said that Skye was your new business partner?’ she said innocently.
‘Well, she is … just not for the whole business. She’s a partner in the new build.’
‘Exactly,’ said Marlo. ‘The timing couldn’t be better. You are launching at the same time, so why not incorporate both in the launch to save money later?’
‘Well… yes, but…’ stuttered Zack.
‘It makes sense,’ put in Skye. ‘I’m not a partner in CloudClimb, but Skye-Safe will be ready to open for a promotional day by the time you hold the ball. We would save money on marketing in the long run. You did agree to add in promotion for the new joint venture in our agreement.’ She offered him such a guileless smile that he couldn’t help but stare. These women were railroading him.
‘I know Skye has lots of strong young men around her today, what with the support beams going in for the assault course,’ said Marlo sweetly, as anger and jealousy flittered across Zack’s face before he realised she was winding him up, ‘but I think it would be a good idea if the two of you went to check out these bar suppliers. They’re holding an event tonight and said I could pop along to see if they would be a good fit for us. Unfortunately…’ she sighed dramatically, ‘I can’t go this evening as I’ve got to finalise plans for the ball. Maybe you two could go for an hour? You can drop the kids with Mike and me, or Thea. They can watch a movie.’
Zack wanted to say no to Marlo so badly, but they both knew he wouldn’t. He would have to be a bit more subtle when he looked at Skye, and not stare at her with rampant lust, as it was obviously plain as the nose on his face if Marlo had worked it out so quickly. He looked to Skye to see what she thought. She just shrugged her shoulders. That was helpful! Skye had been avoiding getting to know him better, he was sure. Now they would be alone together for a short time, he could find out why. ‘Sounds good to me,’ he said.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Mirabelle tapped her foot on the concrete of the school playground in irritation. She had heard through the school grapevine that Zack would be hosting a ball in the grounds of his estate. She was fuming that he hadn’t told her personally so that she could be the one to break the news to everyone. She knew how much Zack appreciated having her around and that he had a special connection with Miles, as he was always buying him crisps and getting him into his tree climbing gear before the rest of the children. She hadn’t seen as much of him lately as he was constantly busy with Leo’s mum and her interfering ways.
Belle had heard whispers that the kids who seemed to congregate at Skye’s house now were doing some sort of self-defence classes, but why would kids need to do that? Miles had seemed pretty grumpy about it when he found out, but he amused himself with other kids in the class anyway and didn’t have much to do with that group now. She hoped they weren’t being nasty to Miles, or she would have to grab a parent or two and bash their heads together until they saw the light. Miles had complained that Emmie was spending more time with Leo, which was annoying as she had high hopes for Miles and Emmie being best friends. It would mean she saw more of Zack and she could find her rightful place as lady of the manor.
She grimaced when she saw Skye breeze through the gates with a harassed-looking Thea in tow. Thea was looking more and more haggard of late. Belle wondered if she was having some sort of mental breakdown. She had actually had the audacity to snap at Belle yesterday when she had tried to e
nquire if Zack had a date for the ball. Thea had told her to ask Zack herself and waltzed off to the end of the playground without a backward glance. What was up with everyone at the moment? She watched Skye slink off to her usual place behind the shed by the wall, and gritted her teeth when she saw Zack head that way too, as soon as he walked through the gates.
Belle had seen the new assault course when they had last been at the tree centre and, although she was irritated that Skye was spending more time with Zack than she was, she dismissed Skye as a potential threat as she was a bit plain, and dressed so boringly in black. Plus, it seemed she worked for Zack now. The girl needed a serious makeover and her hair could do with a treatment or two to iron out the kinks.
Glancing down and smoothing over a non-existent crease in her own pristine jeans and tight blouse, Belle sighed in frustration. When was Zack going to man up and ask her out? She’d made it plain enough that she was interested in him, so she couldn’t fathom why he hadn’t made his move yet. He must be incredibly shy. Maybe he would ask her out at the ball? She would just have to work out a way to get him to move faster and ask her to accompany him. It would be a real coup for her to arrive with him on her arm. The school divas would be so jealous and it would stop them from snapping at her heels for a place at the top of the pecking order. They should all step back and give her the respect she demanded.
Maybe she needed to start with Skye and squash that little blossoming friendship? Or perhaps the smarter way would be to get her onside? Skye didn’t conform with the usual mums at the school, who either tried to befriend the queen bee, or deferred to her and kept aside. She sat by herself, didn’t really try to talk to anyone other than Thea, then went home again. The woman was not only poorly dressed, but extremely dull and a mystery. Belle scrunched up her forehead in thought, then realised this would give her worry lines and quickly rearranged her features into the usual impassive façade.
Chapter Thirty
Skye quickly retreated to her space behind the school gates and hoped for some peace and quiet. She wanted to find Thea, but she was nowhere to be seen. She had been a bit standoffish with Skye lately, and not her usual sunny self, which made Skye worry that she had upset her in some way. Things had changed because they were still running the club from her garden at the moment, but Skye was spending more and more time between her house and the estate. Thea seemed suddenly to have an issue, and be uncomfortable with Zack and was a bit growly when he was near Skye, which was weird.
Maybe she fancied Zack after all and was feeling jealous? Skye had thought Thea would want her to move on and finally meet someone she liked. The more she was around Zack, the more she wanted to make excuses to be alone with him. These new feelings had scared her a little and, at first, she’d avoided him, but it was impossible now they were setting up the assault course and he had taken to cornering her and brushing up against her at every opportunity. The man was incorrigible! After so long alone, Skye was gradually working herself up into a fervour of desire and being around him, and not giving in to him, was torture.
She tried to make herself comfortable on the wall, but she was still craning her neck to find Thea. Where was she? Skye had noticed a man in the field behind her cottage earlier today. She had seen him from her bedroom window and was sure he was looking at the house. She had run to the side of the window and stolen a quick glance around the frame, but by then he had gone. It made her wonder if she had imagined him, but she was sure she hadn’t. She had carefully scouted the area and locked the house securely before she left for the school, and even looped back on her route to make sure she wasn’t being followed, but there was no one.
Thea had assured her that Marcus was dead and that she was safe. What if she was wrong? What if the guys who hired him were refocusing their efforts and had found Skye? Her insides went cold and she felt terrified for the first time in ages. Sweat broke out on her top lip and she started to shake. She knew she could deal with a threat, but if they had found out about Leo, then she would be vulnerable. Why else would someone be watching the house? She vaguely thought that maybe Zack’s ex had decided she wanted him back and set a detective onto her to find out if she was suitable to be near her daughter, but Kay hadn’t been around for years as far as she knew, and Skye would easily be able to tell the difference between an assassin and a private investigator.
Maybe the man in the field just worked for Zack? She tried to calm her pulse and think clearly before panic set in. Zack must have sensed she was thinking about him, as he walked around the gate and came and sat next to her. When he saw she was white as a sheet he moved closer and took her hand in his. It was freezing cold, even though the sun was shining today. She watched him dart a glance around to see if they could be seen by anyone, then must have decided he didn’t really care if they did. He had told her he was fed up with worrying about playground gossip but he suddenly looked really concerned about Skye. She glanced down at their hands but didn’t pull away, so he began to smooth his hands over hers to get some warmth into them.
‘Skye?’ he asked gently.
Turning to face him, she pulled her hands out of his grasp and put them on her lap. ‘Do you have anyone working in the fields behind my house?’
Zack seemed surprised by the question, but could clearly see she was deadly serious and he frowned. ‘There’s no reason for my staff to go into the fields. Did you see someone there?’
‘Yes,’ she said simply, as if this explained her concern.
He sighed with noticeable relief that this was all it was. ‘I often come across ramblers who have strayed off the path and wandered over to look at the house. Did someone give you a fright?’ He smiled in reassurance.
Skye hated showing she was vulnerable and actually human, and not the self-sufficient superwoman she made herself out to be. Zack wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side for comfort, smiling at the way she moulded into him. ‘Hikers sometimes cut across the fields if they see the house and want to come and investigate further,’ he soothed, smoothing down the hair at her neck and nuzzling it slightly. ‘There are signs to say that it’s private property, but they do get knocked down by the wind and falling branches, or sometimes they just get ignored. I’m really sorry if someone gave you a fright. I should have mentioned it.’
Her body sagged into his and she let out the breath she had been holding. Hikers! Of course. Why didn’t she think of that? She felt really foolish now, but was slightly mollified by the warmth spreading through her body at the touch of Zack’s lips on her neck. She looked up and went cold again as Belle poked her head round the gate, looking like she’d just swallowed a lemon, before stomping off in indignation.
‘Belle’s just seen us!’ Skye said, jumping up in despair.
Zack chuckled, indisputably glad to see Skye’s pale face infused with colour. ‘Is that so terrible?’
‘What about the kids? The gossip?’
‘The kids have a fair idea already and Emmie told me she thinks you’re kinda cool,’ Skye looked up in surprise and she couldn’t drag her eyes away from his as the school bell rang out. ‘Do you care about the gossip?’ Zack asked, seriously.
‘I care about Leo,’ she said with a grimace, worrying already if someone had told her son. She could see Zack trying not to look hurt as he brushed her comment aside gently.
‘I understand, but I hope you’re starting to care about me, too, and maybe we should mention to the kids that we’re dating?’ he asked, looking hopeful. Skye’s eyebrows shot up in shock and then she saw the funny side and bent over laughing. ‘What’s so funny?’ he asked in a hurt voice.
‘Dating?’ she giggled, making him smile and swat her bottom as she turned around, making her chuckle more. ‘How old are we?’
‘Okay, we’ll tell them we’re having hot passionate sex,’ he parried, making her gulp and start to sweat at the thought of his naked body. Zack was doubtless enjoying teasing her, as she seemed to have got over her earlier conce
rn, so he risked a quick peck on her lips as he stood up, before they heard the children thunder out of the school classrooms.
Skye stared at him and licked her lips, as he’d made her want to grab him and ravage him in the bushes, which would be totally inappropriate considering their surroundings. He’d managed to get her to agree to the date Marlo had set up for them and he’d whispered in her ear that he was determined it would end up with her in his arms or, at the very least, with an agreement to more ‘dates’.
‘I will try and talk to Leo tonight,’ she promised, liking the way Zack was taking charge and not letting her back away from him. ‘Knowing him, he’s sussed it out anyway.’
Chapter Thirty-One
Thea had avoided Skye today as she saw her with Zack at the school and didn’t want to interrupt. Half of her was pleased that Skye was finally moving on, but the other half was concerned for her own mental state. Thea knew she had been distant lately and she admitted to herself that she was jealous of the way Skye had seamlessly met Zack, a gorgeous multi-millionaire who wasn’t a complete lothario. To be fair, she knew from Skye’s history that she hadn’t met a man in years, but why now, when Thea was there to fill the gap Reece had left? They didn’t need men to mess up their lives. Thea had hoped they would support each other and forget about anyone else, as men only signified trouble as far as Thea was concerned.
She thought of Flo’s dad and how surprised he would be to find out he was a father. It served him right to be in the dark after the way he’d treated her. She had thought he was the perfect man; charming, edgy and great in bed. It turned out he was a lying, cheating bastard, who was sleeping with half her team, including their boss. He’d made it clear he hated children, but he had made Thea feel like she was the only woman in the world and really important to him for the two years they had been seeing each other. How could she have got it so wrong? She had loved him and he’d disregarded her feelings and done whatever he wanted to anyway. More and more lately she had been questioning her decision to run, though. Maybe he would have accepted Flo and they could have worked things out? She hadn’t given him a chance to explain or to lose the other woman and, every day, the burden of keeping the secret from him weighed down on her. She knew she looked a mess and was distracted. Even Allie had asked her if she was okay. She would have to snap out of it and make a decision. She either told him straight out, or kept the secret forever.